Fostering Nourished Families
Leah's Pantry

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Fostering Nourished Families is a training curriculum focused on supporting kinship/foster/resource parents to nourish foster children. Materials and lesson plans are appropriate for adult caregivers of foster children. Instructor Guides offered in English, participant materials available. Evaluation tools available and facilitator training required.
Leah's Pantry
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3 lessons
180 minutes
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Body Connection
Body Connection is a collection of short mindful movement lessons designed to build a foundation for intrinsically-motivated movement and healthy habits. The 30 minute lessons are designed to be a warm up or break during nutrition interventions. They also serve to regulate the body before or between cognitive activities like nutrition education workshops.
The Body Connection materials will be available soon. In the meantime, we recommend visiting our training calendar for upcoming trainings. You can also explore more details about the curriculum on the Leah's Pantry website.
This is a physical activity curriculum that should be implemented in addition to a nutrition component or a food tasting.