Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Logo

Smarter Lunchrooms Movement 101: An Introductory Webinar Series

School Wellness

Training Date(s):

Thursday, Aug 22, 2024
Thursday, Aug 29, 2024
Thursday, Sep 05, 2024
1:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.


Join us in August and September for a webinar series on the basics of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM)! The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement is an evidence-based, SNAP Ed-approved Policy, Systems, and Environmental change intervention. It focuses on behavioral economics that uses small, low- or no-cost changes to the school lunchroom to make the healthy choice the easy choice for students.

In this series of three webinars, participants will receive an introduction to behavioral economics, the principles behind SLM, and the five-step process for implementing SLM. By attending this webinar series, participants will have completed the first step in becoming an SLM of CA Certified Technical Advising Professional (TAP). Although not required, attendees are encouraged to complete all three sessions. However, all three sessions must be completed before participating in the remaining steps in the TAP certification process.


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